Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thing 12

One of the things that interested me was the necessity or importance of comments. I am by nature a lurker--my off-center sense of humor doesn't translate well in my comments and I usually just end up getting myself in trouble. The other side of that, however, is the realization that one who blogs daily is probably looking for a conversation somewhere along the way--at least an acknowledgment or validation.

Along that line is the necessity of being positive and adding comments that are helpful or useful. I get turned off very quickly by negativity, whether it's the blogger or the person making the comments. I found the article How to comment like a king (or queen) useful.

My niche for comments is usually posting a question, but I'll try to learn to use other meaningful ways to comment.

So, I did post to five different Learn2Play blogs, but it was painful. However, I do post to a private blog for the Texas Bluebonnet Selection Committee and I have no problem there, probably because I know each of the other bloggers, I know that each of us is expected to keep up with the discussion, and I have a vested interest in the comments.

I had added non-library/education blogs (to my RSS feed) that interested me and I WILL make comments when appropriate and when I can add something to the discussion. The blogs to which I subscribed are cloth/sewing/wearable art blogs--things that I have no time to do right now but with which I'd like to stay current.

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