Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thing 5

Flickr is a black hole that sucks you in and time disappears--there's too many possibilities!

I enjoyed looking at library displays. I have no display case, no bulletin board, no display area in the school library. We do displays on top of library tables and short bookcases, so I'm always interested in what others plan.

It appears from the time I spent in "library" items that librarians in public and university libraries "get" this site more than we school librarians do. And, okay, I spent waaaaaaaay too much time looking at some of the library humor.

Paging through the hundreds of photos of Texas bluebonnets I became aware of how many professional photographers use this venue. I chose one the photos which allowed use to post to my blog. I always enjoy driving to TLA convention in the spring because we get to see so many fields of bluebonnets. This year was an exception--the views were sparse this year. So now I can see one each time I open my blog.

Pondering how I and/or teachers could use it, I realized how little use my elementary students make of the school-owned cameras we have. This year our town is having a centennial celebration and there is little awareness of the richness of our local history. A collection of photographs of local historical sites would be an interesting project.

Further use of Flickr is something I want to review in the comments others have posted.


VWB said...

if you stick to Flickr Creative Commmons and not the general Flickr site then copyright-friendliness won't be an issue and you won't need to hunt for images that give permisssion

Char said...

The photo was from Creative Commons, but doesn't every photo require attribution? Or did I just go overboard with the citation?

VWB said...

yes attribution is important...many bloggers list them at the end of the could create a "bibliography" page to tuen in with product, project or as a part of a rubric

i love the idea of the community history being collected...I bet parents and community members would get on board with the idea!!

hope you will let us know how it goes!